
Virtual reality

Virtual reality

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MODULE 3                                       Lesson plan


 Lesson: Module 3 

Virtual Reality

Use of English 3c

Art and design college

Date: 13,15,16.11.2019

Teacher name: Kurmanova D.K

  1 course groups


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

10.1.6 - organise and present information clearly to others;

10.1.9 - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings;

10.6.8 - use a variety of future active and passive and future continuous forms on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

use some target structures accurately in more controlled and freer production tasks with some support

Most learners will be able to:

use most target structures accurately in more controlled and freer production tasks with some support

Some learners will be able to:

use most target structures accurately in more controlled and freer production tasks with little support

Previous learning



Planned timings

Planned activities



Beginning the lesson













Middle of the lesson


1        1Aim То present/revise future tenses

•        Direct Ss’ attention to the text and then give them some time to read it.

•        Then ask Ss to match the verb forms in bold to the uses (A-G).

•        Check Ss’ answers and refer them to the Grammar Reference section for more information.

Answer ker

A2 B5 C1 D4 E7 F3 G6


2Aim To practise will/won't

Explain the task and then ask Ss to ask and answer in pairs using the prompts.

Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some Ss to share their predictions with the class.

Answer Key

2A: Will universities only teach online courses? B: Ves, they will./No, they won't.

3A: Will everyone speak the same language? B: Yes. they will./No. they won't.

       4A:Will robots teach lessons in classrooms?

5B: Yes. they will./No. they won't.

6A: Will all houses run on green energy?

B: Yes, they will./No. they won't.

7A: Will we eat lab-grown meat?

В: Yes. we will./No. we won’t.


3Aim To practise will and be going to

Explain the task and then give Ss time to complete the task.

•        Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       I will open the windows.

2       They will probably stay at home.

3       It is going to have an accident.

4       / will go to work by bus then.

5       I'm sure she will have her own restaurant one day


4Aim To practise be going to with personal examples

Explain the task and read out the example.

Then give Ss time to complete the task in closed pairs.

Check Ss' answers by asking various Ss to share their answers with the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I'm going to read a book this weekend.

I'm going to hang out with my friends this weekend. I’m going to visit a museum this weekend.

I'm going to eat out at a fast food restaurant this weekend.

I'm going to do homework tNs weekend.

I'm going to order takeaway food this weekend.

I'm going to travel somewhere by train this weekend.


•        5Aim Read out the example and elicit which tense is used to talk about the future for timetables (present simple) and future arrangements (present continuous).

•        Ask Ss to read the notes and then act out short exchanges following the example.

•        Monitor the activity around the class.

Answer Key

A: What time does the flight depart?

B: It departs at 12:45. so we are leaving the hotel at 11:00. etc


1       6Aim То present the future continuous and the future perfect

•        Read out the theory box and the examples.

•        Elicit how the tenses are formed and then elicit any similar structures in Ss’ LI.

•        Check Ss' answers and refer them to the Grammar Reference section for more information.

Answer Key

We form the future continuous with will + be + main verb + -ing.

We form the future perfect with will + have + past participle of main verb.

(Ss' own answers)


7Aim To practise the future continuous and the future perfect

•        Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.

•        Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1 will be taking 2will have moved 3 will have worked 4Will the bus have left                                  


8Aim To practise the future continuous and the future perfect with personal examples

Explain the task, read out the example and then elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I        will be having lunch with my friends at 1 pm next Friday.

I will be sitting on the bus at 8 am tomorrow.

I will have finished high school by the end of this year.

9Aim To practise future tenses

•        Explain the task, read out the example and then give Ss time to complete it.

•        Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1                b will be driving (an action in progress at a stated future time)

2                a will visit (a prediction based on what we think/ believe)

b are visiting (a fixed arrangement in the near future)

3                a won’t fix (a prediction based on what we think/believe)

b won't have fixed (a future action [notjcompleted before a stated time in the future)

4                a are meeting (a fixed arrangement in the near future)

b will meet (an on-the-spot decision; a promise)

10AimTo present/practise time clauses

Read out the theory box and the examples.

Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more information.

Give Ss time to complete the task and then check their answers

Answer Key

1       will Bayan take, will ask. comes

2       will have started, get

3       have, will let

11Aim To practise sentence transformations

(future simple active to passive)

•        Read out the theory box and the example.

•        Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.

•        Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1       A new VR headset will be released.

2       The students will be awarded their degrees.

3.Max will be promoted.


12Aim To practise future tenses

Suggested Answer Key

its name: Futureland

its flag: a black flag with the Moon on it

where it is: on the Moon

its laws: eco-friendly e.g. no fossil fuels, only energy

from natural sources

its economy: digital money

Ex.1, p.38




























Ex.3, p.38
































Ex.5, p.38









Ex.6, p.39














Ex.7, p.39







Ex. 8, p.39














Ex.9, p.39
















Ex.10, p.39









Ex.11, p.39










Ex.12, p.39

Ending the lesson

Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Students give their own examples using the correct forms.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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