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Викторина по теме "Праздники англоговорящих стран"

Викторина состоит из четырёх частей: "Отгадай праздник", "Символы, традиции", "Фестивали", "Подбери поздравление". Данную викторину можно провести в заочном режиме, на уроках, на внеклассных занятиях в 5-11 классах.

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ЗАОЧНАЯ ВИКТОРИНА «Праздники англоговорящих стран»

ДАТА ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ 28.10.2022 г.

Начало 14.00 Окончание 17.00.

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Part 1. Guess the holiday

1 . What is the name of this holiday?

А. Christmas

B. Halloween

C. Guy Fawkes Day

D. President’s Day

2 . What is the name of this holiday?

B. St Patrick’s Day

А. Guy Fawkes Day

C. Halloween

D. The Independence Day

3 . What is the name of this holiday?

А. Christmas

B. May Day

D. Halloween

C. Easter

4 . What is the name of this holiday?

А. Columbus Day

B. April’s Fool Day

C. Groundhog Day

D. Easter

5 . What is the name of this holiday?

А. Halloween

B. St Patrick’s Day

D. Christmas

C. Thanksgiving Day

6 . What is the name of this holiday?

A. St Valentine’s Day

B. St Patrick’s Day

C. Christmas

D. Easter

7 . What is the name of this holiday?

A. Columbus Day

B. Independence Day

C. Labour Day

D. Remembrance Day

8 . What is the name of this holiday?

A. April`s Fool Day

B. Up-Helly-Аa

C. Waitangi Day

D. Trafalgar Day

9 . What is the name of this holiday?

A. St. Patrick`s Day

B. New Year`s Day

C. New Zealand Day

D. St. Andrew`s Day

1 0. What is the name of this holiday?

A. Veterans Day

B. Remembrance Day

C. Alaska Day

D. Anzac Day

Part 2. Symbols, traditions

11. The most popular colour on St Patrick’s Day is

А. blue

B. orange

C. green

D. yellow

12. What clothes you shouldn't wear on St Patrick’s Day?

А. green

C. orange

B. black

D. yellow

13. How do people call a carved pumpkin with a candle burning inside?

А. Jack’s pumpkin

B. Halloween’s lantern

C. Light pumpkin

D. Jack-o-lantern

14. What do children say when they go from house to house asking for a candy on 31st of October?

А. Give us candies

B. Treat or Trick

C. Happy Halloween

D. Trick or Treat

15. What is the name of the traditional Halloween game?

А. Trick or Treat

B. Catch the apple

C. Eat apples

D. Bobbing for apples

16. One of the main symbols of Christmas is:

A. Sock

B. Stocking

C. Card

D. Reindeer

17. The name of the reindeer with a red nose is:

А. Vixen

B. Comet

C. Rudolph

D. Blitzen

18. When do they celebrate Boxing Day?

A. January 2

B. December 26

D. November 26

C. July 7

19. When do people in English-speaking countries celebrate Father’s Day?

А. In spring

B. In autumn

C. In winter

D. In summer

20. People celebrate Groundhog Day on:

А. February 1

B. February 2

C. February 4

D. February 3

21. The “official” American groundhog is called

A. Will

B. Bob

C. Bill

D. Phil

22. One of the symbols of Easter is

A. Rose

B. Turkey

C. Bird

D. Egg

23. One of the symbols of Easter in Australia is

A. Hare

B. Rabbit

C. Bilby

D. Koala

24. What symbolize eggs that the British people present to each other on Easter?

A. good luck

B. new hopes

C. a new life

D. wealth

25. What holiday do they celebrate in England on 11 November?

A. Thanksgiving Day

B. Columbus Day

C. Halloween

D. Remembrance Day

26. The symbol of Thanksgiving Day is:

A. Pumpkin

B. Egg

C. Pudding

D. Turkey

27. When is St George's Day?

A. April 23

B. May 19

C. March 21

D. April 7

28. The tradition of a new-year tree appeared during the reign of …..

A. King Henry VII

B. King Henry VIII

C. Queen Victoria

D. Queen Elisabeth I

29. When do Australian people celebrate New Year?

A. in autumn

B. in spring

C. in winter

D. in summer

30. Mark Twain wrote about this holiday: “This is day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year”.

A. New Year`s Day

B. April’s Fool Day

C. Christmas

D. Thanksgiving Day

31. In the United States people play small tricks on each other on:

A. Guy Fawkes Day

B. Halloween

C. Columbus Day

D. April’s Fool Day

32. How is April Fool`s Day called in Scotland?

A. Cat’s Day

B. Fly’s Day

C. Bird’s Day

D. Cuckoo’s Day

33. In Australia April Fool`s Day starts with the laughter of this bird:

A. cuckoo

B. cockerel

C. cockatoo

D. kookaburra

Part 3. Festivals, festivals…

34. Where does the festival of Celtic music and culture « Celtic Connections » take place?

A. in London

B. in Edinburgh

C. in Glasgow

D. in Belfast

35. Where is the Festival of Sweeps take place?

A. Oxford

B. Cambridge

C. Manchester

D. Rochester

36. There is a day in August when a special holiday is celebrated to attract attention to …. .

A. left-handed people

B. deaf people

C. people with red hair

D. lop-eared people

37. What holiday is celebrated in the Commonwealth countries on different days?

A. May Day

B. Christmas

C. New Year`s Day

D. Queen`s Official Birthday

38. What is another name for Labour Day?

A. Eight Hours Day

B. Lazy Day

C. 24 hours Day

D. Crazy Day

39. What country celebrates National Jandal Day?

A. The USA

B. Canada

C. New Zealand

D The UK

40. Where is the Tulip Festival held?

A. Netherlands

B. Australia

C. Ireland

D. Canada

41. What country is famous for many food festivals?

A. The USA

B. The UK

C. Canada

D. Australia

Part 4. Matching

1. Match the greeting to the holiday.

“Many happy returns!”

“Season’s greetings.”

“Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you!”

“Thanks! You’re the best in the world!”

“Wishing you all the best for a happy future together.”

“Congratulations on the birth of your new son.”

“Well done! I knew you could do it!”

“Congratulations on your engagement. We’re looking forward to the big day.”

Valentine’s Day


Mother’s or Father’s Day




A baby’s arrival

Passing your driving test

2. Put the holidays in chronological order.

  1. St. Patrick`s Day (in Northern Ireland)

  2. Good Friday

  3. Easter Sunday 

  4. May Day

  5. Spring Bank Holiday

  6. Christmas Day

  7. Summer Bank Holiday

  8. Boxing Day

  9. Halloween

  10. Guy Fawkes` Night

  11. St. Valentine`s Day

  12. New Year`s Day

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