Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Тесты  /  9 класс  /  Тест " Герундий или инфинитив"

Тест " Герундий или инфинитив"

Тест направлен на отработку использования начальной формы глагола или герундия.

Содержимое разработки

1. Выберите из скобок герундий или  инфинитив.

  1. I am planning … (to visit/visiting) my granny next week.

  2. When they finish … (to eat/eating) their lunch, they’ll go to the office.

  3. He suggested … (to buy/buying) some food. (Он предложил купить немного продуктов.)

  4. Does Sally enjoy … (to go/going) to the gym?

  5. Don’t put off … (to write/writing) a report till the end of the month.

  6. John refused … (to answer/answering) my question.

  7. My brother intends … (to get/getting) married soon.

  8. I think she didn’t mean … (to hurt/hurting) you.

  9. Keep … (to beat/beating) the eggs.

  10. Fred can’t afford … (to travel/travelling) this year.

  11. We expect … (to leave/leaving) tomorrow.

  12. Mary decided … (to fly/flying) to Venice.

  13. The sportsmen hope … (to get/getting) the best results.

  14. Are you going to give up … (to smoke/smoking)?

  15. They don’t want … (to have/having) any more children.

  16. I don’t mind … (to wash up/washing up).

  17. Girls, stop … (to giggle/giggling).

  18. Ben likes … (to play/playing) chess.

  19. Lara goes … (to dance/dancing) every weekend.

  20. Harry can’t stand … (to work/working) on Saturdays.

 2. Выберите инфинитив с частицей to или без нее.

  1. We can … (speak/to speak) Spanish.

  2. He often makes me … (feel/to feel) guilty.

  3. You have … (be/to be) friendly and polite.

  4. She must … (stay/to stay).

  5. The lawyer will … (call/to call) you later.

  6. I’d like … (send/to send) him a present.

  7. You’d better … (move/to move) faster.

  8. We heard somebody … (enter/to enter) the apartment.

  9. Mother wants … (paint/to paint) the walls in the kitchen.

  10. We decided … (sell/to sell) the car.

  11. He always fails … (keep/to keep) his word.

  12. I am trying … (lift/to lift) this heavy stone.

  13. Let me … (give/to give) you some advice.

  14. It may … (cost/to cost) too much.

  15. She saw him … (cross/to cross) the street.


3. Составьте предложения, выбрав начало из первого столбца и окончание – из второго.

  1. She is interested                             a) drinking cola.

  2. I would like                                     b) to seeing my daughter.

  3. You should give up                         c) being ill.

  4. We really enjoy                               d) laughing at her.

  5. I’m looking forward                        e) to living in a dirty house.

  6. He is used                                       f) talking to rude people.

  7. She pretended                                g) swimming in the sea.

  8. Pamela is good                               h) to have a cup of coffee.

  9. I couldn’t help                                  i) in surfing the Internet.

  10. She avoids                                     j) at riding a horse.




  1. to visit

  2. eating

  3. buying

  4. going

  5. writing

  6. to answer

  7. to get

  8. to hurt

  9. beating

  10. to travel

  11. to leave

  12. to fly

  13. to get

  14. smoking

  15. to have

  16. washing up

  17. giggling

  18. playing

  19. dancing

  20. working


  1. speak

  2. feel

  3. to be

  4. stay

  5. call

  6. to send

  7. move

  8. enter

  9. to paint

  10. to sell

  11. to keep

  12. to lift

  13. give

  14. cost

  15. cross


1 – i (Ее интересует проведение времени в интернете.)

2 – h (Я бы хотел выпить чашку кофе.)

3 – a (Тебе нужно бросить употреблять алкоголь.)

4 – g (Нам очень нравится плавать в море.)

5 – b (С нетерпением жду встречи с дочкой.)

6 – e (Он привык жить в грязном доме.)

7 – c (Она притворилась больной.)

8 – j (У Памелы есть способности к езде верхом на лошади.)

9 – d (Я не мог не смеяться над ней.)

10 – f (Она избегает разговоров с пьяными.)

Infinitive or gerund exercises.

Упражнение 1. Complete the sentences with the expression get a good job. Use

the Infinitive or the -ing form of the verb get.

  1. I want ________________________.

  2. I suggest _________________________.

  3. I decided _________________________.

  4. I recommend _________________________.

  5. I hope _________________________.

  6. I feel like _________________________.

  7. I managed _________________________.

  8. I am trying _________________________.

  9. I would appreciate _________________________.

  10. I will not refuse _________________________.

  11. I agree _________________________.

  12. I have denied _________________________.


Упражнение 2. Tick the correct item.

1 Greg enjoys … in the rain.

□ walk □ walking □ to walk

  1. I’d like … Molly an e-mail now.

□ send □sending □ to send

  1. What does Steve want ...?

□ do □ doing □ to do

  1. The cold coach watched his team … football.

□ play □ playing □ to play

  1. I prefer … detective stories.

□ read □ reading □ to read

  1. Would you like something …?

□ drink □ drinking □ to drink

Упражнение 3. Use Infinitive or -ing form.

  1. It was quite late when they saw Martin … (come) up the other side of the street. They saw him … (pause) in front of his house, … (look) up at it and … (knock) at the door.

  2. My parents let me (stay) at Molly’s house last weekend. They agreed … (take) me to his place in the car and they made me (promise) to behave myself.

  3. Mel hates (answer) the phone. And very often Mel just lets it … (ring).

  4. At first Jenny enjoyed … (listen) to Steven but after a while she got tired of … (hear) the same story.

  5. Polly can’t (go) to the cinema today. She’s busy … (study) for her exam, which is next week, but she’s decided … (take) a break and … (phone) Megan.

  6. I tried … (listen) carefully and in order (not/show) how I was embarrassed, I did my best … (keep) the conversation … (go) on one topic and another.

Упражнение 4. Прочитайте предложения. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

  1. Peace activist Baroness Bertha von Suttner encouraged Alfred Nobel ... a prize for peace. (establish / to establish / establishing / to be established)

  2. The police officer made Neil get out of the car and demanded … his driver's licence.(see / seeing / to see / to be seen)

  3. In the time of Peter the Great the noblemen were not allowed … beards. (have / to have / having / having had)

  4. They wouldn't let ... the country without the entry visa, would they? (him to enter / he enters / him enter / him entering)

  5. Fred couldn’t make … that he had caught the huge fish himself. (I believed/ me believe / me believed / me to believe)

  6. Nick was very close to the phone-box and Mary noticed him … the number, and then she heard him ... something to passer-by. (to dial, to say / dialing, to say / to dial, say / dial, say)

  7. Nick was seen ... the hall and then Jane watched him ... (enter, go away / be entered, to go away / enter, go away / to have entered, to be gone away)

  8. It's too late now, but I will always regret ... John to do the work. (to ask / asking / ask / to be asked)

  9. My friend Moira stopped ... whole milk because she is on a diet. (to buy / buying / buy / to be bought)

  10. They were allowed... discussing the plans, so their partner introduced himself and went on to talk about the project. (to continue / continuing / continue / to be continued)

Упражнение 5 Put one of the given verbs in the correct form – infinitive or gerund:

to see, to lock, to explain, to go, to show, to play, to listen, to do, to write, to earn, to discuss, to drive, to look, to speak, to understand, to do, to stay, to work, to spend

  1. I wish ... the manager.— It’s no use ... to him.

  2. Don’t forget ... the door before ... to bed.

  3. My mother told me not ... to anyone about it.

  4. He tried ... but she didn’t want ...

  5. Would you mind ... me how the lift works?

  6. I’m beginning ... what you mean.

  7. The boys like ... tennis but not ... this in bad weather.

  8. Try ... this correctly.

  9. He likes ... in his cabinet.

  10. I prefer ... my car myself.

  11. I advice you ... at my place and ... for a new flat.

  12. Let’s ... this tomorrow, I’m tired now.

  13. Most people prefer ... money. Some don’t want ... them.

Упражнение 6. Complete the sentences using either the Infinitive or Gerund. Insert prepositions if necessary. Раскройте скобки, употребив герундий или инфинитив (с или без частицы to). Если нужно, вставьте предлог

  1. He used ... (think) that life ended at 40, but now when he’s 41, he knows it’s not true.

  2. ... (make) such a terrible noise!

  3. It’s five in the morning. I’m not used ... (get) up this early,

  4. It’s impossible... (cut) with this knife. It’s blunt.

  5. My father enjoys ... (listen) to jazz music.

  6.  I’m sorry... (hear) that your mother isn’t well.

  7. Harry looked so funny that I couldn’t help ... (laugh).

  8. I couldn’t help them ... (find) what they were looking for as I was in too much of a hurry.

  9. I’d like... (cook) something special when guests come.

  10. What do you feel like... (do) tonight?

  11. My dad promised ... (buy) me a bike if I passed my exams well.

  12. I hate... (wait) in queues. It really annoys me.

  13. I looked forward ... (see) you again soon.

  14. It’s difficult ... (concentrate) when there’s loud playing on the radio.

  15. We stopped for a while ... (admire) the scenery.

  16. He can’t afford ... (hire) a taxi every day.

  17. Is it worth ... (run) such an awful risk?

  18. Would you mind ... (fetch) another chair?

  19. I offered ... (pay) for the meal, but she refused.

  20. I’m sorry... (disturb) you, but could you tell me the time?

  21. My younger sister can’t stop... (eat) sweets.

  22. He dislikes... (spend) money on car repairs.

  23. I remember... (go) to Venice as a child.

  24. ... (call) Mike

  25. I suggested ... (call) a taxi so we wouldn’t be late.

  26. I can’t stand ... (wait) in queues.

  27. There used to ... (be) a cinema in our village but it closed down three years ago.

  28. He is Spanish so he’s used ... (drive) on the right.

  29. Did you remember ... (send) your sister a card? It’s her birthday today.

  30. Have you tried ... (read) a book to help you to sleep?

  31. Nowadays I’m used... (go) to bed early.

  32. He’ll never forget ... (see) the Grand Canyon for the first time.

  33. He offered ... (drive) me to the airport.

  34. I’ll stop ... (lend) you money if you waste it on cigarettes.

  35. Maya stopped ... (tie) her shoelace.

  36. John suggested ... (go) together in one car.

  37. Will you stop ... (make) so much noise, boys?

  38. It’s difficult to get used ... (sleep) in a tent after having a soft, comfortable bed to lie on.

  39. Linda offered ... (look after) my cat while I was out of town.

  40. Could you please stop... (whistle)! I’m trying ... (concentrate) on my work.

Переходим к ответам на упражнения по герундию и инфинитиву.


Exercise 1.

To get a good job – 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11

Getting a good job – 2, 4, 6, 9, 12

Exercise 2.

1 walking; 2 to send, 3 to do; 4 playing; 5 reading; 6 to drink

Exercise 3.

  1. come, pause, look, knock 2. stay, to take, promise 3. answering, ring 4. listening, hearing 5, go, studying, to take, to phone 6 to listen, not to show, to keep, going.

Exercise 4.

1 to establish, 2 to see, 3 to have, 4 him enter, 5 me believe, 6 dial, say, 7 enter, 8 go away, 9 asking, 10 to continue

Exercise 5.

1  to see / writing   , 2 to lock / going, 3 to speak / to listen, 4 to explain / to listen, 5  showing,  6 to understand, 7  to play (playing) / to do  8 to do, 9 to work или working , 10 to drive или driving 11 to stay / to look 12 discuss 13 to earn (earning) / to spend или to spend (spending) / to earn.

Exercise 6.

1 to think, 2 making, 3 to getting, 4 to cut, 5 listening, 6 to hear, 7 laughing, 8 find, 9 to cook, 10 doing, 11 to buy, 12 waiting, 13 to seeing, 14 to concentrate, 15 to admire, 16 to hire, 17 running, 18 fetching, 19 to pay, 20 to disturb, 21 eating, 22 spending, 23 going, 24 to call, 25 calling, 26 waiting, 27 be, 28 to driving, 29 to send, 30 reading, 31 to going, 32 seeing, 33 to drive, 34 lending, 35 to tie, 36 going, 37 making, 38 to sleeping, 39 to look after, 40 whistling / to concentrate

Тест: Инфинитив или герундий? 1) My brother has been trying _ a new job for over a month now! to find finding 2) I like _ a part of the team. to be being 3) Are you planning _ to college here? to go going 4) How much time do you spend _ for classes? to prepare preparing 5) I hate _ late. to be being 6) We look forward _ more time with you soon! to spend to spending 7) You promised _ me every day! calling to call 8) Do you still believe a woman should not offer _ for anything on the first three dates? paying to pay 9) Each club member has an opportunity to practice _ in a group environment. to speak speaking 10) I just want _ your opinion on this issue. to get getting 11) Why did you decide _ that carpet and go with the wood floors? to get rid of getting rid of 12) I suggest _ ahead to reserve a table at this restaurant. to call calling 13) I love _. to travel traveling 14) I can't stand _ jewelry. wearing to wear 15) Guys talk about their relationships all the time! They never stop _ about women! to talk talking 16) And before you go, would you mind _ this song for us? playing to play 17) He is going to start _ his music over the Internet. selling to sell 18) They love their father very much and enjoy _ time with him. to spend spending 19) You are not leaving! We are going finish _ this movie together! watching to watch 20) He is a poor person who pretends _ rich. being to be 21) I would like _ you and hear what you have to say. to meet meeting 22) I need _ to you about this issue a little bit later. talking to talk 23) So, help us _ how this could happen! understanding understand to understand 24) What are you hoping _ under your Christmas tree? to find finding 25) My son is learning _ a bike. how to ride to ride riding 26) I would try to avoid _ personal information on the Internet. publishing to publish 
Источник: http://elenalantis.ru/quiz-infinitive-or-v-ing/

1. После вспомогательных глаголов: do, does, have, has, had, will, shall, was, were and others.

Don`t understand the meaning of this sentence. – Я не понимаю значения этого предложения.

2. После модальных глаголов (за исключением ought to, be to, be able to, be allowed to, have to).

If one can`t have what one loves,

One must love what one has.

3. После глаголов чувственного восприятия:

To hear – слышать

To see – видеть

To feel – чувствовать

I never saw you look so well before. – Я никогда раньше не видела тебя такой красивой.

4. После глагола to let

Letus bethe best friends. – Позволь нам быть лучшими друзьями.

5. После глагола to make в значении «заставлять», после глагола to have в значении «велеть, допускать, заставлять».

What make you feelso? – Что заставило тебя чувствовать себя так?

6. После глаголов to hear, to see, to make, to know в страдательном залоге.

It was heard to mention your name several times. – Было слышно, как твое имя упоминалось несколько раз.

7. После глагола to bid «предлагать».

I thought she would bid me takea seat. – Я думала, она предложит мне сесть.

8. После выражений:

Had better;

Would rather;

Would sooner;

Can`t but;

Do nothing but;

Can`t choose but.

I`d rather not speak upon the subject.

I`d better go to bed.

9. В предложениях особого типа, начинающихся с why

Why not come and talk to her yourself?

Функции инфинитива в предложении

1. Подлежащего (стоит на первом месте в предложении)

To studyforeign languages is very interesting. – Изучать иностранные языки очень интересно.

2. Именной части сказуемого

His intention was to help them. – Его намерением было помочь им.

3. Части составного глагольного сказуемого

I can help you.

В сочетании со многими глаголами, которые без инфинитива не имеют законченного значения: to like, to want, to begin, to hope, to promise, to decide, to try.

We decided to spend summer in Italy. – Мы решили провести дето в Италии.

4. Прямого дополнения: употребляется только Indefinite Infinitive Active:

He asked me to wait a little. – Он попросил меня подождать немного.

5. Определения: в функции определения инфинитив всегда стоит после определяемого существительного.

We have no intention to order these goods. – Мы не намерены заказывать эти товары.

Give me something to eat. – Дайте мне что-нибудь поесть.

6. Обстоятельства:

a) для выражения цели:

I stayed there to see what would happen. – Я остался там, чтобы посмотреть, что произойдет.

b) для выражения следствия (со словами too – слишком, enough – достаточно):

It is too cold to bathe. – Сегодня слишком холодно, чтобы купаться.

Упражнения по теме «Инфинитив»

Упражнение 1. Образуйте все видовременные формы инфинитива от данных ниже глаголов.

To do, to curl, to break, to drive, to ruin, to rub, to land, to turn, to sleep, to get, to run, to read, to say, to arrive, to tell, to pay, to play.

Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите функцию инфинитива.

1. To know Russian literature is to know Pushkin, Tolstoy, Chekhov, and Gorky.

2. I`m happy to have met him.

3. The best way to learn about a country is to read a lot.

4. I understood you to have changed your mind.

5. I regret to say he thinks too much of himself.

6. I have a lot to do in this hall after last party.

7. In her situation was nothing to trouble about.

8. Mary has no time to lose.

9. Mike offered them a nice town to live in.

10. There was nobody to speak with.


Упражнение 3. Поставьте частицу to , где это необходимо.

1. The teacher made me ……repeat it all over again.

2. You needn`t ………ask for permission, I let you take my books when ever you like.

3. You had better…….make a note of it.

4. I heard the door …..open and saw a shadow.

5. There is nothing….do.

6. He told me ….try to do it once again.

7. I`d rather…..walk a little before going to bed.

8. Why not….wait a little longer?

9. What made you….deceive me?

10. I simply didn`t want ….read a lot.


Упражнение 4. Дополните предложения, используя what, how, whether и один из предложенных глаголов.

Do, get, go, ride, say, use

1. Do you know how to get to John`s house?

2. Can you show me ………………..this washing machine?

3. Would you know……………if there was a fire in the building?

4. You will never forget ………..a bicycle once you have learnt.

5. I was really astonished. I didn`t know ………………………..

6. I`ve been invited to the party but I don`t know…………..or not.


Упражнение 5. Напишите свои предложения о том, что ты любишь делать и не любишь делать, используя следующие глаголы.

(don’t) like love hate enjoy don’t mind

1. (flying) I don’t like flying.

2. (playing cards)………………………………….

3. (doing the ironing)………………………………

4. (going to museum)……………………………...

5. (lying on the beach all day)…………………….


Упражнение 6. Дополните предложения самостоятельно.

1. ……………………………………was natural.

2. …………………………………….was possible for him.

3. ………………………………………was convenient.

4. ……………………………………….is always a pleasure.

5. ………………………………seemed a proper and natural thing.

6. It was interesting…………………………………………………

7. It was no easy matter ……………………………………………

8. It was awful………………………………………….


Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски, подходящими по смыслу глаголами.

To take to see off to buy to do to do to leave to sing to answer

1. My friends promised………me…….at the station.

2. The producer instructed the actor …… all instructions properly.

3. We were anxious …………………..my mother in England.

4. I forgot ……………….an umbrella with me.

5. We were lucky………………..a new recorder.

6. James watched her…………….her morning exercises.

7. She wanted him …………….. a song.

8. The teacher was really proud he……………..the questions.


Инфинитивные конструкции

1. Сложное дополнение (Complex object).

2. Сложное подлежащее (Complex subject).

3. For-to-infinitive конструкция.

Сложное дополнение (Complex object)

Это конструкция, в которой инфинитив находится с связи с существительным в именительном падеже или местоимении в винительном падеже.

Сложное дополнение употребляется в следующих случаях:

1) после глаголов чувственного восприятия

¾ To hear

¾ To see

¾ To watch

¾ To feel

¾ To notice

¾ To observe

I saw Mr.Brown enter the room.

I felt blood rush into my checks;

2) после глаголов, обозначающих умственную активность

¾ To think

¾ To know

¾ To consider

¾ To believe

¾ To expect

¾ To imagine

¾ To trust

knew him to be the most honest creature.

found you to be an attentive listener;

3) после глаголов заявления

¾ To pronounce

¾ To declare

¾ To report

The sergeant pronounced the wound to be a slight one;

4) после глаголов, обозначающих желание и намерение

¾ To wish

¾ To intend

¾ To desire

¾ To mean

¾ To choose

want you to come and dying with him;

5) после глаголов, обозначающих чувства и эмоции

¾ To like

¾ To dislike

¾ Can`t bear

¾ To love

¾ To hate

dislike you to talk like that.

can`t bear you to speak of that;

6) после глаголов, обозначающих приказы и разрешения (в данном случае сложное дополнение используется, если дополнение выражено неодушевленным существительным)

¾ To order

¾ To allow

¾ To suffer

¾ To have

Mr.Smith ordered his carriage to be ready early in the morning;

7) после глаголов, обозначающих принуждение

¾ To make – заставлять

¾ To cause – распрощаться

¾ To get – добиться

¾ To have – заставить

Light steps made him turn his head.

The noise caused her to awake.



Сложное подлежащее (Complex subject)

Сложное подлежащее используется со следующими группами глаголов в пассивном залоге.

1) после глаголов чувственного восприятия

¾ To see

¾ To hear

Mr.Bob Soer was heard to love heartily;

2) после глаголов, обозначающих умственную деятельность

¾ To think

¾ To consider

¾ To know

¾ To expect

¾ To believe

¾ To suppose

He was known to be honest and kind;

3) с глаголами to say, to report

This medicine is said to be very effective;

4) с выражениями типа: to be likely, to be sure, to be certain

He is sure (несомненно) to marry her;

5) со следующими парами синонимов

¾ To seem – appear (казаться).

¾ To happen – chance (случаться, случайно произойти).

¾ To prove – to turn out (обернуться).

They seemed to hadquiteforgotten him already.

Only yesterday we happened to see him.

Упражнение 1. Образуйте герундий от данных ниже глаголов. Используйте образец. Переведите их.

to fish (рыбачить) – fishing (рыбалка)

to collect (коллекционировать) – collecting (коллекция)

to read (читать) –

to paint (рисовать) –

to watch –

to listen –

to grow –

to build –

to play –

to cook –

to swim –


Упражнение 2. Найдите в предложениях герундий и определите время, залог и его функцию. Переведите предложения.

1. Smoking costs a lot of money.

2. I will call you after arriving at the office.

3. Please have a drink before leaving.

4. I am looking forward to meeting you.

5. Do you object to working late?

6. Mary always dreams about going on holiday.

7. Please excuse us for waiting too long.

8. My favoutite occupation is reading.

9. We are interested in buying these goods.

10. I have three shirts that need washing.

11. They insisted on being sent the results of tests.

12. What is the purpose of his going there?

13. This letter requires signing.

14. I am grateful for his helping me. I am grateful for his having helped me.

15. We thank you for sending us your letter.

16. The house wants repainting.

Упражнение 3. Прочитайте текст, переведите его. Скажите, в каких функциях упортеблен герундий.

Bad habit.

Lena has a bad habit. She smokes. Her friends always tell her to stop smoking. They say that smoking is unhealthy. Lena knows it, but still keeps on smoking. She wants to stop, but she can`t. Smoking is a habit she just can`t break.


Упражнение 4. Назовите функции герундия.

1. Reading English technical magazines is important for engineers.

2. They finished installing tha apparatus only on Sunday.

3. They began making the experiment in May.

4. After failing his examination in January he had to take it again in February.

5. At the meet they discussed different ways of improving their work.

6. Speaking foreign anguages is important for everyone.

7. They objected to his staying at home.

Упражнение 5. Переделайте предложения по образцу, используя can remember/ can`t remember.

1. He was in hospital when he was 4.

2. He went to Paris when he was 8.

3. Once he fell into a river.

4. He cried on his first day at school.

5. He said he wanted to be a doctor.

6. Once he was bitten by a dog.

He still remembers 1, 2, 4.

He can not remember 3, 5, 6.

ü He can remember being in hospital when he was 4.





Упражнение 6. Дополните предложения по смыслу, используя need(s).

clean, cut, empty, redecorate, tighten

1. Her jacket is dirty.It needs cleaning.

2. The glass is very long. It needs………

3. The room is not nice. It ………………

4. The screw is loose. It…………………

5. The bin is full. It………………………

Упражнение 7. Дополните предложения, используя likes/ doesn`t like.

1. George is a detective. He enjoys his work. He likes solving mysteries. (solve mysteries)

2. Ann very rarely travels by plane. She_________________(fly).

3. Rose always carries a camera with her. She____________(take photographs).

4. Christine doesn`t use her car very often. She__________(drive).

5. Dave is a gardener. He likes his job. He_______________(work in the open air).

6. Ted is extremely lazy. He ____________________(do nothing).


Упражнение 8. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

1. Do you mind ……. (travel) such a long way to work?

2. Ann loves ……. (cook) but she hates…….(wash) up.

3. I tried to be serious but I couldn`t help (не мог не) ….(laugh)

4. You can improve your English by ……(do) a lot of reading.

5. Tom left without ……(finish) his dinner.

6. She ran 5 miles without ……… (stop).

7. They got into the house by …(break) a kitchen window and climbing in.

8. It`s nice to go on holiday without …..(have) to worry about money.

Упражнение 9. Выберите предлоги, данные в скобках (in, of, for, to, like, on)

1. He insisted ….buying me a dress.

2. I`m looking forward ….meeting her.

3. Has he succeeded ….finding a job yet?

4. He apologized … keeping me waiting.

5. I`m thinking ….buying a flat.

6. We don`t feel …going out tonight.


Упражнение 10. Образуйте из двух данных вам предложений одно. Используйте образец.

1. Don`t worry about it. It is no use. – it is no use worrying about it.

2. Don`t get a taxi. It is not worth it. – ……………………………..

3. Don`t try to escape. It is no use. – ……………………………....

4. Don`t smoke. It is a waste of money. – ………………………....

5. Don`t hurry. It`s not worth it. – ………………………………....

6. Don`t read newspapers. It`s a waste of time. – ……………….....

7. Don`t get angry. It`s not worth it. – …………………………......

8. Don`t study if you are feeling tired. There is no point. –………..


Упражнение 11. Заполните пропуски подходящим по смыслу глаголом.

Answerapply, be, listen, be, make, see, try, use, wash, work, write

1. He tried to avoid answering my question

2. Could you please stop….. so much noise?

3. I enjoy ……..to music.

4. I considered ……..for the job but in the end I decided against it.

5. Have you finished …….your hair yet?

6. If you walk into the road without looking, you ….knocked down.

7. Jim is 65 but he isn`t going to retire yet. He wants to carry on ...

8. I don`t mind you …the phone as long as you pay for all your calls.

9. Hello! Fancy …. you here! What a surprise!

10. What a stupid thing to do. Can you imagine anybody ….so stupid!

11. I`ve put off ... the letter so many times. I really must do it today.

12. Sarah gave up .... to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad.

Упражнение 12. Переделайте предложения так, чтобы смысл совпадал с исходным предложением.

1. I can do what I want and you can`t stop me. – You can`t stop me doing what I want.

2. It s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour. – It`s better to avoid………………........................................................................................

3. Shall we go away tomorrow instead of today? – Shall we postpone……………until…………....................……………………………….?

4. The driver of the car said it was true he didn`t have a license. – The driver of the car admitted……..…….……………………………….......

5. Could you turn the radio down, please? – Would you mind…….....................................................................................................…?

6. Please don`t interrupt me all the time. – Would you mind……..................................................................................................…...?

Упражнение 13. Закончите самостоятельно предложения.

1. She is a very interesting person. I always enjoy talking to her.

2. I`m not feeling very well. I don`t fancy………………………

3. I`m afraid there aren`t any chairs. I hope you don`t mind……

4. It was a lovely day, so I suggested……………………………

5. It was very funny. I couldn`t stop…………………………….

6. My car isn`t very reliable. It keeps……………………………

1) My brother has been trying _ a new job for over a month now! Ответ: to find. Правильный ответ: to find. 2) I like _ a part of the team. Ответ: being. Правильный ответ: to be.being. 3) Are you planning _ to college here? Ответ: to go. Правильный ответ: to go. 4) How much time do you spend _ for classes? Ответ: to prepare. Правильный ответ: preparing. 5) I hate _ late. Ответ: being. Правильный ответ: to be.being. 6) We look forward _ more time with you soon! Ответ: to spending. Правильный ответ: to spending. 7) You promised _ me every day! Ответ: calling. Правильный ответ: to call. 8) Do you still believe a woman should not offer _ for anything on the first three dates? Ответ: paying. Правильный ответ: to pay. 9) Each club member has an opportunity to practice _ in a group environment. Ответ: speaking. Правильный ответ: speaking. 10) I just want _ your opinion on this issue. Ответ: to get. Правильный ответ: to get. 11) Why did you decide _ that carpet and go with the wood floors? Ответ: to get rid of. Правильный ответ: to get rid of. 12) I suggest _ ahead to reserve a table at this restaurant. Ответ: calling. Правильный ответ: calling. 13) I love _. Ответ: traveling. Правильный ответ: to travel.traveling. 14) I can't stand _ jewelry. Ответ: wearing. Правильный ответ: wearing.to wear. 15) Guys talk about their relationships all the time! They never stop _ about women! Ответ: talking. Правильный ответ: talking. 16) And before you go, would you mind _ this song for us? Ответ: playing. Правильный ответ: playing. 17) He is going to start _ his music over the Internet. Ответ: selling. Правильный ответ: selling.to sell. 18) They love their father very much and enjoy _ time with him. Ответ: spending. Правильный ответ: spending. 19) You are not leaving! We are going finish _ this movie together! Ответ: watching. Правильный ответ: watching. 20) He is a poor person who pretends _ rich. Ответ: being. Правильный ответ: to be. 21) I would like _ you and hear what you have to say. Ответ: to meet. Правильный ответ: to meet. 22) I need _ to you about this issue a little bit later. Ответ: to talk. Правильный ответ: to talk. 23) So, help us _ how this could happen! Ответ: understand. Правильный ответ: understand.to understand. 24) What are you hoping _ under your Christmas tree? Ответ: to find. Правильный ответ: to find. 25) My son is learning _ a bike. Ответ: how to ride. Правильный ответ: how to ride.to ride. 26) I would try to avoid _ personal information on the Internet. Ответ: publishing. Правильный ответ: publishing.
Источник: http://elenalantis.ru/quiz-infinitive-or-v-ing/

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