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Своя игра Britain vs Russia

Урок игра для активизации знаний учащихся 8 класса в области английского языка и культуры Британии и России.

Содержимое разработки

Are you good at English? 8A

Цель: формирование языковой компетенции на уроке английского языка,

закрепление имеющихся знаний в области английского языка посредством игровой ситуации.



актуализация знаний учащихся по изученным темам.

- повышать познавательный интерес учащихся к языку через использование игровых моментов;

- закрепить умение употребления в речи разговорной речи;

- обучение навыкам восприятия на слух иностранных слов;

-  активизация навыков и умений в говорении, аудировании, устной и письменной речи.


- развитие творческих способностей и коммуникативных навыков

- повышение  мотивации к изучению английского языка у учащихся

развитие внимания и памяти

- развивать умение работать в группе.


- умение работать в сотрудничестве с другими;

- воспитывать уважительное отношение к другой культуре.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, презентация, карточки с категориями заданий, жетоны.

Ход занятия

I Greetings / Приветствие учителя и учащихся.

II Teams greetings / Приветствия команд

III Warming-up: teams throw the dice to start the game and do the tasks in turns./ Разминка.

  1. Tongue twisters: She sells seashells on the sea shore. The shells that she sells are seashells I’m sure.

  2. Logical thinking: find the odd word.

  • Majestic – varied – funny – native – flood

  • Travel – book – snaps – catch – wonder

  1. What do you call this in English?

  • This is a vessel which runs on steam power. (sreamboat)

  • This is a disaster caused by an earthquake in the ocean (tsunami)

  • This is a conflict in which countries use guns, bombs and other arms. (war)

  • A person who usually feels happy. (optimistic)

  • Something you buy when travelling to keep the memories about the place. (souvenir)

  • It’s a traditional lunch in a box loves by Japanese kids. (bento/ obento)

IV The game

Britain’s Fact file

Politics & Geography

  1. How many parts are there in the UK?

  2. What’s the difference between the UK and Great Britain?

  3. What is official address of the the UK queen?

  4. What is the name of the UK flag?

  5. It is the channel between the European continent and the British Isles. It has two names. What are they? Why?

Customs and traditions

  1. What is the colour of traditional English telephone boxes? How are they used today? (Red, for storing and exchanging books)

  2. Name the 5 sports which originated in Britain. (tennis, football, golf, cricket, rugby, …)

  3. Sing a traditional song usual for Xmas. (We wish you a merry Xmas)

  4. When is Boxing Day? Why is it called so? (On the 26 December, people get and open the presents.)

  5. What is the most popular English drink? What do the English like to add to it? What is the difference between English tea and Russian tea? (Tea: English tea with milk, Russian tea with lemon.)


  1. This is the author of the most popular book series about a boy who has become a magician. ( J.K.Rowling, Harry Potter)

  2. The name and the author of the book about a boy who lived in the … with wild animals. (Rudyard Kipling The Jungle Book)

  3. The most famous nanny in the world, strict and kind, nice and beautiful. She travels by air with a sack voyage and … umbrella. (Pamela Travers, Marry Popins)

  4. They are the characters of many famous detective stories, who investigated the crime. Their fictional address in London is 21,Baker st, London. (Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson)

  5. Can you name the most well-known translator of English poetry into Russian? (Cамуил Мршак)

This is the house that Jack built …

Вот дом, который построил Джек …


  1. People believe that a very unusual creature lives in Scotland in a lake. Many people try to take a snap of it. There are a lot of fake images, too. (Loch Ness monster)

  2. The name of the most popular princess of all times. (Princess Diana)

  3. A notoriously famous person of the past, a great round-the -world traveler and a pirate, who took gold from the Spanish and was made a lord by the queen. (Sir Francis Drake)

  4. He was young and brave, he lived long ago in the Sherwood forest and protected poor people from the rich taking their gold. (Robin Hood)

  5. A cute farming animal, a symbol of Scotland. How different is it from usual species of this type? (Scottish coo)

Language practice

  1. What is the difference between can and tin?

  2. In which case we don’t use – to-

  • I expect you be on time.

  • I make him learn this.

  1. The order of adjectives in the sentence.

  • He is looking for ……………………… bag.

(black / stylish / a / leather)

  • She ordered ……………………….. coffee.

(Italian / hot / black)

  1. Idioms What do the idioms mean?

  • What’s up? / What’s happening?

  • Break the leg! / Good luck!

  • Speak your mind! / Say what you think.

  • Get up the wrong side of the bed. / Get up in bad mood.

  • I’ve got butterflies in my stomach. / I’m worried, nervous.

  1. Express yourselves! Use the speaking cards.

V Reflection and results

Witty twitters

Break the ice with good English!

Together all things are possible!

We are together, we are the best!

We are super witty team!

We are brainy, smart, extreme!

Big thinkers

Learning, doing, believing and winning!

We are the next, we are the best!

Small steps, good results! It’s all about us!

Big aim for a big game,

Think big, do big!

Big Thinkers

Topic/category 1

10 20 30 40 50

Topic/category 2

10 20 30 40 50

Topic/category 3

10 20 30 40 50

Topic/category 4

10 20 30 40 50

Topic/category 5

10 20 30 40 50


Witty Twitters

Topic/category 1

10 20 30 40 50

Topic/category 2

10 20 30 40 50

Topic/category 3

10 20 30 40 50

Topic/category 4

10 20 30 40 50

Topic/category 5

10 20 30 40 50


Курсы профессиональной переподготовке

Учитель, преподаватель английского языка

Продолжительность 300 или 600 часов
Документ: Диплом о профессиональной переподготовке
13800 руб.
от 2760 руб.
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