
Steps to My Career

Future Profession

Содержимое разработки

Steps to My Career  Karabut Julia 11A,  English teacher Mukhina I. A.

Steps to My Career Karabut Julia 11A, English teacher Mukhina I. A.

Step 1  Choosing a profession There are a lot of professions in the world, and everyone can find among them the one that he likes. In the future, I want to become a policeman.

Step 1 Choosing a profession

There are a lot of professions in the world, and everyone can find among them the one that he likes. In the future, I want to become a policeman.

Step 2  Qualification A policeman is a very responsible job. We entrust our problems to them. To become one, I need a qualification, I can get it at the university. A qualified specialist will always be able to protect people.

Step 2 Qualification

A policeman is a very responsible job. We entrust our problems to them. To become one, I need a qualification, I can get it at the university. A qualified specialist will always be able to protect people.

Step 3  Advantages of the profession Demand Early retirement Career growth Benefit significant work

Step 3 Advantages of the profession

  • Demand
  • Early retirement
  • Career growth
  • Benefit
  • significant work
Step 4  Disadvantages of the profession Complex selection Risk Forced contact with criminals Irregular schedule

Step 4 Disadvantages of the profession

  • Complex selection
  • Risk
  • Forced contact with criminals
  • Irregular schedule
Step 5  Role in the life of society. A police officer is a judicial body that ensures law and order in society. It helps in countering crime. Provides support to citizens in a difficult situation.Any society will always need those who are ready to stand up for order.

Step 5 Role in the life of society.

A police officer is a judicial body that ensures law and order in society. It helps in countering crime. Provides support to citizens in a difficult situation.Any society will always need those who are ready to stand up for order.

Conclusion. Choosing your profession is very difficult. Every profession is important and necessary. With this, the main thing is not to make a mistake and work where you want. I'm going to become a policeman and help people.


Choosing your profession is very difficult. Every profession is important and necessary. With this, the main thing is not to make a mistake and work where you want. I'm going to become a policeman and help people.

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Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

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Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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