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Путешествие по Лондону. Задания на формирования читательской грамоности на уроках английского языка

Задания по функциональной грамотности

Содержимое разработки

Тема урока «Walking Around London».
Естественнонаучная грамотность: формируемые умения
 Анализировать, интерпретировать данные карты и делать
соответствующие выводы.
Читательская грамотность: формируемые умения
 Определять место на карте, где содержится искомая информация.
 Находить и извлекать несколько единиц информации, расположенных
в одном фрагменте текста.
 Соотносить визуальное изображение с вербальным текстом.
 Оценивать достоверность информации.

Good morning, dear friends. Welcome to our excursion! Today we will take a tour around a wonderful city. Let’s watch a short video about it.

What city will we travel around today? Of course, London. We are going to visit the most popular places and see the most famous sights of the British capital. But during our trip I’ll check how much you know about London. Today we’ll travel by a popular double-decker. On each station we’ll do interesting tasks.

Let’s start the trip! We’ve got to the first station.
Ваша семья планирует отправиться в Лондон. Без карты в путешествии легко заблудиться. Помоги членам семьи научиться понимать карту. Перед тобой карта Лондона. Рассмотри карту и ответь на вопросы.

1.Is London situated on the river Thames?

a) yes b) no

2.What street has a long tradition as home of printing?

a) Sloane Street b) Oxford Street c) Fleet Street

3. How many part does London consist of?

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4

4. What is the oldest part of London?

a) the City b) Westminster c) the West-End d) the East-End

Let’s go on. We’ve got to the following station.
You can see the pictures of some places in London. Can you name them?

Listen to our guest’s stories and choose the correct picture.

Рассказы гостя:

1. It is not far from the Houses of Parliament. It is a symbol of England. It was founded by St.Peter and built by King Edward in 1065. Some famous people are buried there. (Westminster Abbey)

2. It stands near the Houses of Parliament. It is really a bell. It weighs 13, 720 kilograms. It has a deep tone and you can hear it on the radio. It is a famous clock. (Big Ben)

3. It is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home. (Buckingham Palace)

4. It is very old. It has a long and cruel history. You can see it from the river Thames. It is not just one building. Many years ago the Kings and the Queens of Britain lived in this place. (The Tower of London)

5. It is one of the oldest buildings in London. It also known as the Palace of Westminster, is the place where members of Parliament gather to make laws. The Palace of Westminster stands on the riverside near Westminster Abbey. (The Houses of Parliament)

6. It has long been a permanent symbol of London. This building is located in the very center of the capital of Great Britain and rises majestically over the Thames connecting its two banks. (Tower Bridge)

7. It is the natural center of London and the best starting point for a tour of the capital. It is one of Britain's great tourist attractions. The Square was named so to commemorate Nelson’s victory at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. (Trafalgar Square)

Do you like to go to London? If you want to learn about the interesting places in London, you must go on. We’ve got to the next station.

Let’s read the texts (A − D) and match the texts with the questions.
1. What can tourists see on London’s main square?
2. Is it a museum or a church?
3. Why do the birds live there?
4. Whose name is it?

A. London has a lot of places of interest. One of the most famous sights in London is the Clock Tower (or the Elizabeth Tower) with Big Ben. It stands near the Houses of Parliament. Many tourists come to the centre of London to see the clock and hear the bell. Sometimes people name the tower and the clock Big Ben. But this is not quite correct. Big Ben is a bell in the tower. The bell is over two metres tall and chimes every hour.
B. The Tower of London, an ancient fortress, is situated on the banks of the River Thames. The Tower is very old, it was founded in 1066. It was a fortress, a royal palace, and a prison. Today the Tower of London is a museum. It is also famous for the black ravens that live there. According to the legend, the Tower and Great Britain will disappear if the ravens ever leave the fortress. That’s why a special man, the Raven Master, feeds the ravens and takes care of them.
C. Westminster Abbey is situated not far from the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. The Abbey was built in 1065. Westminster Abbey has been the favourite church of English kings and queens for many years. Today, Westminster Abbey is a working church and a monument to the history of England. Many famous writers, scientists, poets and musicians are buried in Westminster Abbey.
D. All the tourists that come to London visit Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square is often called the heart of the capital. Tourists like to take photos of this famous sight. Trafalgar Square is the location for Nelson’s Column with four lions at its base. There are also lovely fountains and monuments there. Different concerts and festivals take place in the square. Every year in winter you can see a large Christmas tree in the centre of the square.

- Well done. But do you understand the stories well? I and our guest check it. We are sure you can answer our questions. Say whether the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences.
1. Big Ben is the name of a large bell.
2. The big bell in the Elizabeth Tower chimes every 60 minutes.
3. Nowadays the Tower of London is a royal palace.
4. The black ravens live in the garden of Westminster Abbey.
5. Nelson’s Column is situated in the Tower of London.
6. Londoners and tourists can enjoy different shows in Trafalgar Square.

Our trip has finished. We are at home. I want you to look at the map of London. Find the places you know and name them. Now answer the questions.

1. What is the name of the famous clock in London? (Its name is Big Ben.)

2. Where does Big Ben stand? (Big Ben stands near the Houses of Parliament.)

3. How often can you hear Big Ben? (You can hear Big Ben every hour.)

4. Where do the Houses of Parliament stand? (They stand beside the river Thames.)

5. Who founded Westminster Abbey? (St.Peter founded Westminster Abbey.)

6. Does the Queen of Britain live in the Tower? (No, she doesn’t.)

7. Where does the Queen stay when she is in London? (When she is in London she stays in Buckingham Palace.)

8. What is the oldest part of the Tower of London? (The White Tower is the oldest part of the Tower of London.)

9. What places in London do you like to visit? (I like to visit ……….)

Let’s tell each other everything we know about London and its places of interest. Please, one by one. Only one sentence you must add to our common story.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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Путешествие по Лондону. Задания на формирования читательской грамоности на уроках английского языка (700.71 KB)

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