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Презентация "Опасные хищники в России"

Хищники интересны с биологической точки зрения. Это не только острые клювы, зубы, когти, но и великолепно развитые органы чувств и сложные формы охотничьего поведения.

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THE GREY WOLF  This is probably the most common predator in Russia. They live all over the country. Wolves live in packs, which makes them dangerous because, at a call from the alpha wolf, the pack could easily attack a human. In Old Russ, one of the cruelest types of execution was to tie people to trees in the forest, leaving them to be devoured by wolves.  Yet wolves do not attack people very often: it may happen only in early spring, when the wolf is short of food. If in danger, hunters advise climbing the nearest tree and waiting until the pack loses patience and leaves to find another prey.


This is probably the most common predator in Russia. They live all over the country. Wolves live in packs, which makes them dangerous because, at a call from the alpha wolf, the pack could easily attack a human.

In Old Russ, one of the cruelest types of execution was to tie people to trees in the forest, leaving them to be devoured by wolves.

Yet wolves do not attack people very often: it may happen only in early spring, when the wolf is short of food. If in danger, hunters advise climbing the nearest tree and waiting until the pack loses patience and leaves to find another prey.

THE VIPER  The viper’s venom can kill a small person, but it is not lethal to a healthy person weighing over 60 kilograms , especially if he has antihistamine drugs in his pocket.  The viper’s poisonous fangs are just 4 millimeters long and cannot bite through most jeans, let alone shoes. Specialists say it is impossible to step on the viper. The snake allows a person to come up within 3-4 meters and then hisses loudly as a warning and… retreats. Hunters advise people to stomp their feet loudly if they suspect there may be snakes around. The snake feels the vibration and gets out of your way.  But if you are attacked and bitten by a viper, it is necessary to contact the nearest medical institution for help as soon as possible. You must enter the antidote. While going to the hospital, try not to move the bitten part of the body and drink as much water as you can. It will slow down the blood poisoning.


The viper’s venom can kill a small person, but it is not lethal to a healthy person weighing over 60 kilograms , especially if he has antihistamine drugs in his pocket.

The viper’s poisonous fangs are just 4 millimeters long and cannot bite through most jeans, let alone shoes. Specialists say it is impossible to step on the viper. The snake allows a person to come up within 3-4 meters and then hisses loudly as a warning and… retreats. Hunters advise people to stomp their feet loudly if they suspect there may be snakes around. The snake feels the vibration and gets out of your way.

But if you are attacked and bitten by a viper, it is necessary to contact the nearest medical institution for help as soon as possible. You must enter the antidote. While going to the hospital, try not to move the bitten part of the body and drink as much water as you can. It will slow down the blood poisoning.

THE TICK   Ticks can not move for long distances, they usually sit on grass, bushes or trees and wait for their prey. When a person or an animal comes a short distance, ticks move to their clothes or wool.  In spite of its small size (just 0.2-0.4 mm), these insects are very dangerous, because they can enter the virus of the encephalitis into the blood. At a bite of a tick, in the first place, it is necessary to remove it carefully. In some cases, it is recommended to drop a little oil on the insect's body. After removing the tick, the bitten person must visit a doctor. The tick has to be tested to make sure it is not carrying encephalitis. Before going to the forest , put on closed clothes and always a headdress and use repellents against ticks.


Ticks can not move for long distances, they usually sit on grass, bushes or trees and wait for their prey. When a person or an animal comes a short distance, ticks move to their clothes or wool.

In spite of its small size (just 0.2-0.4 mm), these insects are very dangerous, because they can enter the virus of the encephalitis into the blood. At a bite of a tick, in the first place, it is necessary to remove it carefully. In some cases, it is recommended to drop a little oil on the insect's body. After removing the tick, the bitten person must visit a doctor. The tick has to be tested to make sure it is not carrying encephalitis. Before going to the forest , put on closed clothes and always a headdress and use repellents against ticks.

THE LYNX  This wild cat can be the size of a big dog. In Russia, 90 percent of the lynx population lives in Siberia. The beast is most dangerous if you forget to look up into the trees while picking mushrooms or berries. The lynx usually attacks its prey from above and targets the neck.  But the lynx does not usually attack people. It only approaches human houses in exceptional cases: a very hungry lynx can break into a henhouse or hunt domestic rabbits.


This wild cat can be the size of a big dog. In Russia, 90 percent of the lynx population lives in Siberia. The beast is most dangerous if you forget to look up into the trees while picking mushrooms or berries. The lynx usually attacks its prey from above and targets the neck.

But the lynx does not usually attack people. It only approaches human houses in exceptional cases: a very hungry lynx can break into a henhouse or hunt domestic rabbits.

THE KARAKURT SPIDER  The Karakurt is among the 10 most dangerous spiders on Earth and it lives in Russia’s Astrakhan Region. During hot summers, it can migrate to more northern areas, such as the Moscow Region. They are active on summer nights. The bite causes acute pain, which quickly passes but after a while (between 15 minutes and 6 hours), intense pain spreads throughout the bitten place and then to the muscles of the body, chest and stomach. Immediately after the bite (within two minutes at the most), you can hold a burning match against the bitten place and any poison that has not already penetrated into the body is destroyed by the heat. The bitten person must see a doctor as soon as possible. Urgent hospitalization is recommended.


The Karakurt is among the 10 most dangerous spiders on Earth and it lives in Russia’s Astrakhan Region. During hot summers, it can migrate to more northern areas, such as the Moscow Region. They are active on summer nights. The bite causes acute pain, which quickly passes but after a while (between 15 minutes and 6 hours), intense pain spreads throughout the bitten place and then to the muscles of the body, chest and stomach. Immediately after the bite (within two minutes at the most), you can hold a burning match against the bitten place and any poison that has not already penetrated into the body is destroyed by the heat. The bitten person must see a doctor as soon as possible. Urgent hospitalization is recommended.



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