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План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Читаем с удовольствием"

Урок помогает готовить учащихся к работе с текстами для чтения, развивать интерес учащихся к английской и американской поэзии и литературе посредством чтения.

Описание разработки


готовить учащихся к работе с текстами для чтения;

развивать интерес учащихся к английской и американской поэзии и литературе

посредством чтения;

расширить кругозор и эрудицию учащихся;

прививать учащимся любовь к английской и американской литературе;

предоставить школьникам возможность проявить свою эрудицию, проверить память, продемонстрировать знания, полученные в процессе изучения школьных предметов или приобретенные самостоятельно.

Оснащение мероприятия:

 1. рисунки учащихся о зиме;

 2. выставка книг английских и американских писателей;

 3. аудиоприложение с песнями на английском языке.

Ход мероприятия.

 I. Poems about winter.

   The snowman

 Come to the garden

 And play in the snow,

  Make a white snowman

  And help him to grow!

 `What a nice snowman!`

 The children will say.

  `What a fine game

  For a cold winter day!`


 The cold, white snow falls softly down

 On the tree tops bare and brown,

 In the still night, when all`s sleep,

 Falling, falling thick and deep,

 In the country, in the town,

 Falling, falling softly down.


  The snowflakes are fallen

  By one`s and two`s,

  There is snow on my coat

  And snow on my shoes.

  There is snow on the plants

  And snow on the trees

  And snowflakes all around me

  Like many white bees.

   On the ice

  Slide, slide, the ice is strong,

  Quickly, quickly slide along!

  Slide along and don`t be slow,

  In the cold your face will grow!

  Slide along, slide very fast,

  It`s a shame to be the last.


   This is the season

   When mornings are dark

   And birds do not sing

   In the woods and the parks.

   This is the season

   When children ski

   And father Frost

   Brings the New Year tree.

   Falling snow

   See the pretty snowflakes,

   Falling from the sky;

   On the walls and house – tops,

   Soft and thick they lie;

   On the window – ledges,

   On the branches bare,

   See how fast they gather,

   Filling all the air.

   Grey is the sky

   And the wind is chill;

   Icicles hang

   From the window - sill.

   Gone is the bough,

   Nobody plays,

   In the garden now

   Only the robin

   With brest of red

  Sits and waits

  For his crumbs of bread.

II. Poems `Good Rules in Rhyme

   Work While You Work

   By A. D. Stoddart

   Work while you work,

   Play while you play,

   This is the way

   To be cheerful and gay

   All that you do,

   Do with your might,

   Things done by halves

   Are never done right.

   One thing each time,

   And that done well,

   Is a very good rule,

   As many can tell,

   Moments are useless,

   Trifled away,

   So work while you play.

   I know a child, and who she is

   I`ll tell you by and by.

   When Mumma says, `Do this`, or `that`,

   She says, I`ll try`.

   Whole duty of children

   A child should always say what true

   And speak when he is spoken to,

   And behave mannerly at table,

   At least as far as he is able.

   Mind the clock

   And keep the rule,

   Try to come

   In time to school!

  Stop! Look!

  The trams and cars in our town

  Run up and down, up and down!

  Stop! Look at the light!

  First look at the left!

  And then to the right!

  Stop! Look! Listen!

   Stop! Look! Listen!

   Before you cross the street.

   Use your eyes, use your ears,

   And then use your feet.

   Four little words!

  There are four little words,

   Don`t wait too long!

   If you`ve hurt your friend

   Say, `I`m sorry. I`m wrong`.

   Magic words

   Hearts like doors will open with ease

   To very, very little keys,

   And don`t forget that they are these:

   `We thank you all`, and `If you please`.

  Do it well

  If a task is once begun,

  Be the labour great or small,

  Do it well, or not at all.

  Company manners

   When company comes,

   You are very polite,

  And we are proud of you,

  For your manners are right.

  You say, `Thank you` - `Excuse me`

  And `After you, please`.

  You shake hands all around

   With such polish and ease.

   When grown - ups are talking

   You don` t make a sound.

  It`s a joy and a pleasure

  To have you around.

  Your company manners

  Are fine through and through…

  But try to use them

  For everybody, too!

  A Good Rule

  My sisters and brothers

  All go to school!

  We help one another.

  It is a good rule.

  We help our mother

  When she washes and cooks.

Весь материал – смотрите документ.

Содержимое разработки

План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку теме «Читаем с удовольствием» учителя английского языка МБОУСОШ № 68 имени Н.И. Долгих Светиковой Н.Г.


  1. готовить учащихся к работе с текстами для чтения;

  2. развивать интерес учащихся к английской и американской поэзии и литературе

посредством чтения;

  1. расширить кругозор и эрудицию учащихся;

  2. прививать учащимся любовь к английской и американской литературе;

  3. предоставить школьникам возможность проявить свою эрудицию, проверить память, продемонстрировать знания, полученные в процессе изучения школьных предметов или приобретенные самостоятельно.

Оснащение мероприятия:

1.рисунки учащихся о зиме;

2. выставка книг английских и американских писателей;

3. аудиоприложение с песнями на английском языке.

Ход мероприятия.

I.Poems about winter.

The snowman

Come to the garden

And play in the snow,

Make a white snowman

And help him to grow!

`What a nice snowman!`

The children will say.

`What a fine game

For a cold winter day!`


The cold, white snow falls softly down

On the tree tops bare and brown,

In the still night, when all`s sleep,

Falling, falling thick and deep,

In the country, in the town,

Falling, falling softly down.


The snowflakes are fallen

By one`s and two`s,

There is snow on my coat

And snow on my shoes.

There is snow on the plants

And snow on the trees

And snowflakes all around me

Like many white bees.

On the ice

Slide, slide, the ice is strong,

Quickly, quickly slide along!

Slide along and don`t be slow,

In the cold your face will grow!

Slide along, slide very fast,

It`s a shame to be the last.


This is the season

When mornings are dark

And birds do not sing

In the woods and the parks.

This is the season

When children ski

And father Frost

Brings the New Year tree.

Falling snow

See the pretty snowflakes,

Falling from the sky;

On the walls and house – tops,

Soft and thick they lie;

On the window – ledges,

On the branches bare,

See how fast they gather,

Filling all the air.

Grey is the sky

And the wind is chill;

Icicles hang

From the window-sill.

Gone is the bough,

Nobody plays,

In the garden now

Only the robin

With brest of red

Sits and waits

For his crumbs of bread.

II. Poems `Good Rules in Rhyme`.

Work While You Work

By A. D. Stoddart

Work while you work,

Play while you play,

This is the way

To be cheerful and gay

All that you do,

Do with your might,

Things done by halves

Are never done right.

One thing each time,

And that done well,

Is a very good rule,

As many can tell,

Moments are useless,

Trifled away,

So work while you play.

I know a child, and who she is

I`ll tell you by and by.

When Mumma says, `Do this`, or `that`,

She says, I`ll try`.

Whole duty of children

A child should always say what true

And speak when he is spoken to,

And behave mannerly at table,

At least as far as he is able.

Mind the clock

And keep the rule,

Try to come

In time to school!

Stop! Look!

The trams and cars in our town

Run up and down, up and down!

Stop! Look at the light!

First look at the left!

And then to the right!

Stop! Look! Listen!

Stop! Look! Listen!

Before you cross the street.

Use your eyes, use your ears,

And then use your feet.

Four little words!

There are four little words,

Don`t wait too long!

If you`ve hurt your friend

Say, `I`m sorry. I`m wrong`.

Magic words

Hearts like doors will open with ease

To very, very little keys,

And don`t forget that they are these:

`We thank you all`, and `If you please`.

Do it well

If a task is once begun,

Be the labour great or small,

Do it well, or not at all.

Company manners

When company comes,

You are very polite,

And we are proud of you,

For your manners are right.

You say, `Thank you` - `Excuse me`

And `After you, please`.

You shake hands all around

With such polish and ease.

When grown-ups are talking

You don` t make a sound.

It`s a joy and a pleasure

To have you around.

Your company manners

Are fine through and through…

But try to use them

For everybody, too!

A Good Rule

My sisters and brothers

All go to school!

We help one another.

It is a good rule.

We help our mother

When she washes and cooks.

Together with Father

We like to read books.

Good Council For Children

Go to bed late,

Stay very small,

Go to bed early,

Grow very tall

One thing at a time

And that done well,

Is a very good rule,

As many can tell.

Good, better, best,

Never rest

Till`good` be `best`.

What the clock says

`Tick`, the clock says, `tick, tick, tick!`

What you have to do, do quick.

Time is gliding fast away,

Let us act, and act today.

If your lesson you must do,

Do it now and do not rue:

Only that is really fun

Which comes after work is done.

When your mother says `Obey`,

Do not loiter, do not stay;

Wait not for another tick;

What you have to do, do quick.

I`ll Try And I Can`t

The little boy who says `I`ll try`,

Will climb to the hill – top.

The little boy who says, `I can`t`,

Will at the bottom stop.

`I`ll try` does great thing every day,

`I can`t` gets nothing done,

Be sure then that you say `I`ll try!`

And let `I can`t alone`.

III. Knowledge is compared to different things. You can often read or hear such sayings as:

Knowledge is power.

Knowledge is wealth.

Knowledge is light.

IV. Listen to the rhyme and guess what it is about.

We call them friends

And we can find

A lot in them

For our mind.

They teach us

To be kind and clever.

Make friends with them

Once and for ever. (Books)

` Mougli` is a very good book.

I read it time and again.

Who wrote it, by the way?

`Mougli` can be substituted for any other book, for example, `Robinson Crusoe`, `Oliver Twist`, `Guliver`s Travels` and others. Let the other pupils name the other.

V. Limericks.

Do you know what the word `limerick` means?

It is a joke poem of five lines. Edward Lear, a famous English poet, made this form popular. The form of the limerick is always the same. The first and the second lines rhyme with the fifth line. The third line rhymes with the forth. And the last line has the same rhythm as the first two lines. Lines three and four are shorter than the other lines. Limericks usually begin with `There was a …` Here are three limericks.

There was an old man with a beard,

Who said, `It is just as feared! –

Two Owls and a hen,

Four Larks and a Wren,

Have all built their nests in my beard!`

There was a young Lady of Niger,

They returned from a ride

With the Lady inside –

And a smile on the face of the tiger!

There was an Old Lady who said

When she found a thief under her bed,

Get up from the floor,

You`re too near the door,

And you may catch a cold in your head`.

VI.Let`s sing the songs `What are little boys made of ?` and `If it snows`.

VII.Избранные груки Пита Хейна.

Problems Трудности

Problems worthy Полезно трудности

Of attack атаковать:

Prove their worth назад их пни,

By hitting back. Чтоб пользу доказать.

Living is… Жизнь есть…

Living is… Жизнь есть дело,

A thing you do что выполняешь

Now or never – сейчас иль никогда -

Which you do? Что предпочитаешь?

Last things first Последнее важнее

Solutions to problems Большая удача, -

Are easy to find: найти задачу, -

The problems the great насчет решения

Contribution. Проблемы нет.

What truly an art Искусство лишь в том,

Is to wring from your mind чтоб найти эту задачу,

A problem to fit к которой подходит ответ.

A solution.

One`s own weather Собственная погода

You`re squandering ты ворчишь,

Spleen on your brothers, тебя зависть съедает,

And wasting но напрасно жалеешь себя,

Good self – pity too? Если думаешь,

If you think солнце других ласкает,

That there`s sun on the others когда дождь поливает тебя.

Whenever it`s raining on you.

Arts brevis Одно искусство

There is Одно есть

One art, искусство,

No more, ни боле,

No less: ни мене,

To do все делать искусно,

All things а не боле – мене.

With artlessness/

Thoughts and things Мысли и вещи

I concentrate on Я концентрирую внимание

The concentric rings на концентрических кругах,

Produced by my pen начерченных чернилами,

In the ink чтоб были повиднее.

The thing that distinguishes Ведь вещи, в отличие от мыслей

Thoughts from things Можно подержать в руках,

Is that thoughts are harder но мысли удержать

To think. Труднее.

Тime Время

Does time exist? Есть время или нет?

I gravely doubt it. Я сомневаюсь очень.

But gosh, what should we do но без него – никак нам,

Without it? Между прочим.

VIII. Вопросы по литературе Англии и Америки (для учащихся 8-9 классов).

1) В каких веках жили эти писатели?

Джек Лондон, Марк Твен, Чарльз Диккенс, Даниель Дефо, Редьярд Киплинг

2) В деревне парень был рожден,

Но день, когда родился он,

В календари не занесен.

Кому был нужен Робин?

Разжав младенческий кулак,

Гадалка говорила так:

- Мальчишка будет не дурак,

Пускай зовется Робин!

Немало ждет его обид,

Но сердцем все он победит.

Парнишка будет знаменит,

Семью прославит Робин!

Кто был этот мальчик? Где и когда он родился?

3) Какой американский писатель поехал на Аляску за золотом, и что он там нашел?

4) Кто был Оливер Твист – вор, сирота или моряк?

5) Что общего между популярным чаем `Пиквик` и великим английским писателем Чарльзом Диккенсом?

6) Чем знаменит Робин Гуд?

7) Назовите автора книги и имя героя, чьи мысли записаны ниже:

`Плохо: но я жив, а не затонул, как остальные члены команды корабля`.

8) В городе Ганнибаде, на холме, что спускается к Миссисипи, стоят скульптурные фигуры двух литературных героев. Как зовут этих героев, кто автор книги о них?

9) Какой псевдоним взял себе Сэмюэл Клеменс и что это значит?

10) Кем рассказана история в книге Анны Сьюэл `Черный красавец`?

11) название какой книги Гельберта Уэльса стало названием современной музыкальной группы?

12) Какие романы Герберта Уэльса вы знаете?

IX. Let`s sum up. Guess the Russian riddles:

Без языка, без голоса, а все расскажет, (Книга)

Не куст, а с листочками, не рубашка, а сшита, не человек, а рассказывает. (Книга)

X. Continue the Russian proverbs:

Знание лучше богатства.

Знание – сила.

Испокон века книга растит человека.

Мир освещается солнцем, а человек – знанием.

Не стыдно не знать, стыдно не учиться.

С книгой поведешься – ума наберешься.

Хорошая книга – лучший друг.

Чтение – лучшее – учение.

I wish you that books will be your best friends all your life.

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