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Module 2 Spotlight 7

Проверочная работа по Модуля 2, Spotlight 7

Содержимое разработки

Test Module 2

Variant 1

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct word

intelligent appearance discover cosy glance solve imagination fictional

  1. Sherlock Holmes is famous for his neat ______

  2. Miss Marple is a(n) _______ detective.

  3. What can we do to _______ the problem of unemployment?

  4. Jules Verne had a wonderful _________.

  5. Diane is an extremely _______ child and the best student in her class.

  6. At first _______ it looked like a wolf, but it wasn’t.

  7. I love your flat! It’s nice and _______

  8. Did Columbus ________ America?

2.Choose the correct variant

1) The cat ran away until/as soon as it saw the dog.

2) Henry used to go/went to Ireland last week.

3) We were surprised when/until we saw Mum on televition.

4) Lyn got a job after/until she finished school.

5) First she made dinner, then/when she watched TV.

6) The children played in the garden until/then it got dark.

3.Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple

Test Module 2

Variant 2

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct word

hide loyal amazing fictional initials compass explore magnifying glass

  1. Dr.Watson was Sherloch Holmes’ _______ friend.

  2. A ________ makes objects appear bigger than they actually are.

  3. Let’s ________ the woods before it gets dark.

  4. Where did you ________ the money? I can’t find it.

  5. Let’s use a ________ to find our way back.

  6. This is my father’s shirt. It’s got his ______ on it.

  7. Sherloch Holmes was a _______ detective.

  8. 20000 Leagues Under the Sea is an________book!

2.Choose the correct variant

1) We used to go/went to the park on Saturdays, but now we go swimming.

2) We’ll continue the investigation until/when we find the murderer.

3) I turned on the light until/as soon as I arrived.

4) Amy left for work after/until she had breakfast.

5) Helen waited as soon as/until it got dark.

6) Please, turn off the computer when/after you leave.

3.Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple

4. Match the typse of stories to their descriptions

1) A story that takes place in the future or in space

A mystery

2) An exciting story about a hero who does dangerous things

B biography

3) A serious and emotional play written for the theatre or television

C humorous story

4) A story which makes you feel worried, because you don’t know what is going to happen next

D science fiction story

5) A funny story with a happy ending

E adventure

6) A story about someone’s life written by another person.

F suspense story

7) A story about a crime or a strange event

G drama

4. Match the typse of stories to their descriptions

1) A story about a crime or a strange event

A mystery

2) A funny story with a happy ending

B biography

3) A serious and emotional play written for the theatre or television

C humorous story

4) A story which makes you feel worried, because you don’t know what is going to happen next

D science fiction story

5) An exciting story about a hero who does dangerous things

E adventure

6) A story about someone’s life written by another person.

F suspense story

7) A story that takes place in the future or in space

G drama

Курсы повышения квалификации

Современные педагогические технологии в образовательном процессе

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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