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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 2 класса

Итоговая контрольная работа для проверки знаний

Содержимое разработки

Итоговый тест 2 класс

  1. Listening. Послушай интервью с ребятами об их планах на каникулы и определи, верные или неверные эти утверждения. Отметь галочкой (V) верные.

  1. Katie and Sasha want to swim and ride their bikes.

They want to play checkers and do puzzles too. _____

  1. Nick likes to play volleyball. And he wants to play

checkers with his friends. _____

  1. Sally likes holidays. She wants to go to New York

and take pictures of the Statue of Liberty. _____

  1. Andrew doesn’t like basketball. He wants to play

table tennis. ____

  1. Reading. Прочитай письмо Рика о его друзьях и отметь в таблице, что может и умеет делать каждый из них.

My friends like to have interesting holidays.

Ron likes to ride a bike and play football and volleyball with his brothers. Veronica likes to go by car with her mum and dad and take pictures. Sam likes to do sports. He can play volleyball, basketball, tennis. He can swim very well too. Rita likes to play with her dog Nancy. Nancy is very clever. It can play hide-and-seek and skip with Rita. They all like their holidays very much!





to go by car

to play volleyball and tennis

to play football

to take pictures

to ride a bike

to do sports

to play with her dog

III. English in Use

  1. Вставь am, is, have got, has got, can.

  1. Where_______ the cat?

  2. I_____________ a doctor.

  3. A bird ______ fly.

  4. Paul____________ a dog.

  5. We ______ a red car.

В) Соедини вопросы и ответы:

1. Can Jack play football? A. Yes, I can. I can play it very well.

2. Do they want to play chess? B. Yes, he does.

3. Can you play tennis? C. Yes, I do. I love it.

4. Do you like sport? D. No, they don’t.

5. Does your friend Mike like to swim? E. No, he can’t. He doesn’t like football.

C) Составь предложения из слов:

1. you, what, do,can? - ___________________________________________________

2. he, can, sing or dance? - ________________________________________________

3. or, I, paint, draw, cannot. - ______________________________________________

4. like, computer, play, I, games, to. - _______________________________________

5. want, play, we, badminton, to. - __________________________________________

IV. Представь, что ты получил письмо от Ани. Прочитай его и напиши ответ. Напиши о себе и ответь на вопросы Ани. Используй письмо Ани в качестве образца.


My name is Ann. I’m nine. I’ve got dark hair and brown eyes. I can swim, run and ride a bike. My favourite food is pizza. My favourite toy is a teddy bear.

I’ve got a sister, Kate. She’s five. She’s got dark hair and blue eyes.

What can you do? What’s your favourite food? What’s your favourite toy? Have you got a brother or a sister?

Write soon.

Best wishes,


Dear Ann,

My name is_____________________________________________________________









Курсы повышения квалификации

Методика обучения английскому языку как второму иностранному

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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