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How to describe the infographic in English

В данной работе представлен пример, как нужно правильно описывать инфографик (картинку с диаграммой) на английском языке.


Содержимое разработки

There is an infographic about the value of water. It is devoted to the topic ecology. It gives us some facts about water crisis in America, which are based on a telephone study of 1,008 American voters age 18 years and older in 2012.

According to this chart we can learn some problems, facts and statistics, for example, broken or leaking pipes lose 1.7 trillion gallons of water per year and it costs about 2.6 billion of dollars.

Let’s start by considering the facts of this infographic. The first thing that needs to be said is recognition of the water crisis. Americans recognize that their nation’s water resources are increasingly at risk and are concerned about the state of the infrastructure system. The statistics says that about 79 % recognize demands on water resources are growing and water is becoming increasingly scarce. About 86 % have experienced the impact of water shortages and contamination. 77 % are concerned about their nation’s water system. It is noticeable that 88 % believe in their water infrastructure system. It is clear from these observations that the majority of people are worried about water crisis and they rely upon the government.

It seems to confirm the idea that the government has a role to play. Americans believe the government should be accountable for fixing problems with their water infrastructure system (about 88 %). Besides, 85 % want greater government investment and more time spent addressing issues (79 %), moreover, 39 % of people trust local and municipal governments most to address these problems.

Well, on the one hand, we can notice that the government has a role to play in water problems, but, on the other hand, there is a sense of personal responsibility. It is undeniable that Americans also have a personal role to play and are willing to pay for water infrastructure upgrades. But only 31 % believe in paying a little more in their water bills for water infrastructure improvements. Despite the recent increases in water bills 6 in 10 Americans are willing to pay a little more each month to upgrade their water system; as a result, there is 6.4 billion of dollars in water infrastructure investments per year.

We must admit that Americans are largely unaware of their water footprint or the extent to which water infrastructure problems would impact them personally. Thus, the statistics is the following, about 54 % estimate that they use 50 gallons or less of water daily while they actually use closer to twofold that amount. 69 % generally take access to clean water for granted, but only 29 % believe problems with American’s water infrastructure would affect them personally ‘a great deal’.

From these facts, we may conclude that Americans don’t care about the amount of water they spend and they think they aren’t responsible for the grave consequences of water crisis.

To draw the conclusion, I can say that there are a lot of factors, which can be reasons for the water crisis, for example, growing populations, rapid urbanization and chronic underinvestment are putting pressure on American nation’s aging water infrastructure. We cannot deny that not only government, but also people should be responsible and anxious for these problems with water.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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