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Future for mankind_Starlight 11

Презентация "Будущее для человечества" к УМК Starlight 11 (модуль 3.3) помогает учащимися ответить на вопрос WILL WE ALL HAVE TO LIVE HOME?

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WILL WE ALL HAVE TO LIVE HOME? Brain Clark takes a look at what the future holds for mankind


Brain Clark takes a look at what the future holds for mankind

what's the difference between а star and а planet? A planet is an object large enough to have become round through the force of its own gravity. Stars are  massive balls of ionised gas.  Stars have their own light, whereas planets do not have their own light, they reflect the sunlight that falls on the planets. 2. Stars move in their own separate orbits with a high speed, but due to considerable distance, their motion can be seen after a very long time. On the other hand, the position of planets tends to change, as they move around the sun. https://keydifferences.com/difference-between-stars-and-planets.html

what's the difference

between а star and а planet?

A planet is

an object large enough to have become round through

the force of its own gravity.

Stars are

massive balls of ionised gas.

  • Stars have their own light, whereas planets do not have their own light, they reflect the sunlight that falls on the planets.

2. Stars move in their own separate orbits with a high speed, but due to considerable distance, their motion can be seen after a very long time. On the other hand, the position of planets tends to change, as they move around the sun.


not great in size, amount, etc. . dwarf . asteroid . constellation . moon . suреrnоvа . comet an object like a very large rock that goes around the sun like a planet a group of stars in the sky that appear  to form a  pattern and that have a name a similar round object that moves around another planet a powerful and luminous stellar explosion  an object in space that leaves a bright line behind it in the sky

not great in size, amount, etc.

. dwarf

. asteroid

. constellation

. moon

. suреrnоvа

. comet

an object like a very large rock that goes around the sun like a planet

a group of stars in the sky that appear  to form a 

pattern and that have a name

a similar round object that moves around another planet

a powerful and luminous stellar explosion 

an object in space that leaves a bright line behind it in the sky

Comets  Asteroids moons dwarf constellations suреrnоvа 1 2 3 1
  • Comets
  • Asteroids
  • moons
  • dwarf
  • constellations
  • suреrnоvа





“ If the human race is to continue for another million years, we will have to boldly go where no one has gone before

If the human race is to continue for another million years, we will have to boldly go where no one has gone before"

Professor Stephen Hawking,

the renowned University of Cambridge physicist

How is this quotation related to the title of the text?

What does the professor mean?

Read through to find out.

4 5 7 6 2 1







captivated – attracted ultimate – last wiped out – destroyed larder – large cupboard/ room to keep food orbiting – circling proposed – suggested sustain – maintain waste away – become extremely weak burden – strain wring – hold together and twist

captivated – attracted

ultimate – last

wiped out – destroyed

larder – large cupboard/ room to keep food

orbiting – circling

proposed – suggested

sustain – maintain

waste away – become extremely weak

burden – strain

wring – hold together and twist

… … … … … … … … … … … …

Homo sapiens как вид существует совсем недолго по сравнению с другими видами, такими как акулы. Homo sapiens as a species has only been around for a short time compared to other species  such as sharks. Некоторые люди считают, что нам придется колонизировать космос , как только мы исчерпаем ресурсы Земли. Some people believe that we will have to colonise space once we exhaust the Earth’s resources. Ресурсы Земли - это то, что мы считаем  само собой разумеющимся . The Earth’s resources are things we take for granted . Видя, как заводы сбрасывают свои отходы в наши реки, мне хочется заламывать руки в отчаянии . Seeing how factories empty their waste into our rivers makes me want to wring my hands in despair . Главный шаг для любого футболиста - играть за мадридский
  • Homo sapiens как вид существует совсем недолго по сравнению с другими видами, такими как акулы.
  • Homo sapiens as a species has only been around for a short time compared to other species

such as sharks.

  • Некоторые люди считают, что нам придется колонизировать космос , как только мы исчерпаем ресурсы Земли.
  • Some people believe that we will have to colonise space once we exhaust the Earth’s resources.
  • Ресурсы Земли - это то, что мы считаем само собой разумеющимся .
  • The Earth’s resources are things we take for granted .
  • Видя, как заводы сбрасывают свои отходы в наши реки, мне хочется заламывать руки в отчаянии .
  • Seeing how factories empty their waste into our rivers makes me want to wring my hands in despair .
  • Главный шаг для любого футболиста - играть за мадридский "Реал".
  • The ultimate move for any footballer is to play for Real Madrid.
На планете быстро заканчиваются запасы газа и угля, но, к счастью, существует ряд альтернативных решений . The planet is rapidly running out of gas and coal supplies but, fortunately, there are a number of alternative solutions . Он рассматривал свою роль в телешоу как ступеньку к карьере в кино. He saw his role on the TV show as a stepping stone to a film career. В условиях повышения уровня моря, вызванного глобальным потеплением, любой, чей дом находится на уровне моря, живет в долг . With rising sea levels caused by global warming, anyone whose home is at sea level is living on borrowed time . Теперь, когда у нас есть мобильные телефоны и Интернет, мы воспринимаем мгновенную связь как нечто само собой разумеющееся. We take instant communications for granted now we have mobile phones and the Internet. Лесные пожары превратили некоторые районы сельской местности в бесплодную пустошь . The forest fires have turned parts of the countryside into a barren wasteland . По мере повышения глобальной температуры возрастает риск того, что Арктика полностью растает. As global temperatures rise, there is an increasing risk that the Arctic will melt completely.
  • На планете быстро заканчиваются запасы газа и угля, но, к счастью, существует ряд альтернативных решений .
  • The planet is rapidly running out of gas and coal supplies but, fortunately, there are a number of alternative solutions .
  • Он рассматривал свою роль в телешоу как ступеньку к карьере в кино.
  • He saw his role on the TV show as a stepping stone to a film career.
  • В условиях повышения уровня моря, вызванного глобальным потеплением, любой, чей дом находится на уровне моря, живет в долг .
  • With rising sea levels caused by global warming, anyone whose home is at sea level is living on borrowed time .
  • Теперь, когда у нас есть мобильные телефоны и Интернет, мы воспринимаем мгновенную связь как нечто само собой разумеющееся.
  • We take instant communications for granted now we have mobile phones and the Internet.
  • Лесные пожары превратили некоторые районы сельской местности в бесплодную пустошь .
  • The forest fires have turned parts of the countryside into a barren wasteland .
  • По мере повышения глобальной температуры возрастает риск того, что Арктика полностью растает.
  • As global temperatures rise, there is an increasing risk that the Arctic will melt completely.






According to the text, people should start thinking seriously about creating space colonies because life on Earth could be wiped out by a disaster such as global warming or a genetically engineered virus. Also, we are quickly using up the Earth’s resources. Oil, coal and gas will run out soon. Firstly , space colonisation would be very expensive. With so much poverty in the world, the money might be better spent improving people’s lives here on Earth. Secondly , the technology required to enable us to leave the planet does not yet exist. Until now, we have only managed to put a handful of people into space. Finally, the distances involved are too great. It would take 100,000 years to reach the nearest planet.

According to the text, people should start thinking seriously about creating space colonies because life on Earth could be wiped out by a disaster such as global warming or a genetically engineered virus. Also, we are quickly using up the Earth’s resources. Oil, coal and gas will run out soon.

Firstly , space colonisation would be very expensive. With so much poverty in the world, the money might be better spent improving people’s lives here on Earth.

Secondly , the technology required to enable us to leave the planet does not yet exist. Until now, we have only managed to put a handful of people into space.

Finally, the distances involved are too great. It would take 100,000 years to reach the nearest planet.

The author means that mankind has overcome many difficulties throughout its history and is still thriving.

The author means that mankind has overcome

many difficulties throughout its history and is still thriving.

Space colonisation is moving to and living on other planets. Many people are excited by the idea of colonising space. They imagine the wonders that are waiting to be discovered. Others feel that we should consider moving to other planets because, one day, we will run out of resources on Earth. Whilst I agree that the Earth’s resources are being used up rapidly, I do not believe that money should be spent on space colonisation. Instead, we must invest in renewable energy so that we no longer use up the Earth’s resources. Furthermore, helping the world’s poor is far more urgent than building a base on the moon.

Space colonisation is moving to and living on other planets. Many people are excited by the idea of colonising space. They imagine the wonders that are waiting to be discovered. Others feel that we should consider moving to other planets because, one day, we will run out of resources on Earth.

Whilst I agree that the Earth’s resources are being used up rapidly, I do not believe that money should be spent on space colonisation. Instead, we must invest in renewable energy so that we no longer use up the Earth’s resources. Furthermore, helping the world’s poor is far more urgent than building a base on the moon.

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