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Do good clothes open all doors?

Материал систематизирует знания, умения и навыки по всем видам речевой деятельности по темам: ”Youth fashion”, ”Appearance”, “Shopping”.

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Цели урока:

систематизировать знания, умения и навыки по всем видам речевой деятельности по темам: ”Youth fashion”,”Appearance”, “Shopping”.

Задачи урока:

Обучающая. Обобщить лингвострановедческий материал по указанным темам. Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данным темам по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму.

Коммуникативная. Отработать разговорные формы и клише, характерные для поддержания разговора по данным темам.

Воспитательная. Формировать культуру общения, вежливость и интерес к собеседнику.

Культурно-развивающая. Привить интерес к культуре, правилам и укладам жизни англоговорящих стран. Формировать социокультурную компетенцию.

Оснащение урока:

-СD с записью для прослушивания.

-компьютер, проектор и экран для представления презентации.

-раздаточный материал для индивидуальной и групповой работы. 

презентация do good clothes open all doors

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока:

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I glad to see you today!

P: We glad to see you, too!

T: How are you?

P: Fine, thanks. And  you?

T: I’m OK. And  what about you, O?

O: I’m fine.

T: What’s the news?

P: No news.

T: No news is good news.

II.Введение в сюжет урока:

T: Let’s start our lesson now. The title of our lesson is “Do good clothes open all doors?”(слайд№1)

We are going to hold in a form of a table-talk.

Now, pupils, let’s think about our objectives for today. Think a little and tell me how you are planning to improve your English at the lesson.

What would you like to do today?  

P1: I’d like to develop my speaking skills today.

P2: I’d like to get knew information.

P3: I’d like to speak English with my friends.

P4: I’d like to act dialogues. (etc.)

III. Повторение и активизация лексического     материала:

T: Oh, I see you have got a lot of ideas how to master English. The main objectives of the lesson are as follows: to develop speaking skills and speculate on youth fashion values. I think that you will be correct in you speech. You will be artistic, active, expressive. I wish you success! Let’s start.

First, answer to my questions, please:

1.Фронтальная беседа:

-Do you care about fashion?

-Do you like to stand out?

-Do you read fashion magazines?

-Which clothes do you prefer?

-Do you buy clothes in the sales?

-Where do you buy clothes?

-Who helps you to buy clothes?

2.Повторение лексики:

a) Fill in the gaps with the right words:

-You are going for a work in the countryside and need______ clothes.

 (casual, elegant, fancy, practical, fashionable)

-You need ____ and _____ to work in the garden.

(worn jeans, a stylish suit, a loose T-shirt, a fancy dress)

-School uniform must be ___ .

 (practical, elegant, fashionable, ridiculous)

-Jim likes to stand out and buy ___ things.

 (colourful, unusual, practical, baggy)

-Fashion is important to Jane and she buys ____ things.

(designer, old-fashion)

-You can buy ___ clothes in the sales.

 (cheap, expensive)

 b)Match the words with the definitions:

1.Something you buy really cheaply.

2.Somebody who thinks that he is better than other people.

3.Something unusual.

4.When shops reduce their prices.

5. Something that’s OK for the situation.

6.Comfortable clothes that you wear in informal situation.

7.Expensive and elegant clothes.


b) Bargain

c) Suitable

d) Original

e) In the sales

f) Casual clothes

g) Fancy clothes

c) Change the sentences into reported speech:

1. Tom, “I don’t like shopping”.

(Tom says that he doesn’t like shopping)

2. Emma, “I always dress in style”.

(Emma says that she always dresses in style.)

3. Jim, “Colourful clothes show my individuality”.

(Jim says that colourful clothes show his individuality.)

4. She asks him, “What make do you prefer?”

(She asks him what make he prefers)

5. Mother, “Please, do not wear this ridiculous shirt”.

(Mother asks me not to wear this ridiculous shirt)

IV.Организация тренировки и применения:


T: So if you want to be comfortable, you should wear casual clothes, but if you want to look smart, you should wear elegant and stylish clothes. Now listen to the dialogue:

(ex. 3., p. 47-48)”Happy English. ru”

2.Беседа по диалогу (контроль понимания):

T: Answer my questions, please:

-Where are the friends going?

-Who likes the idea of shopping?

-Who doesn’t?

-Who likes to wear expensive clothes? (Rob)

-Who doesn’t like to pay a lot of money for clothes?

(Misha, Mark and Emily don’t like to pay a lot of money)

-Who doesn’t care about clothes? (Mark)

-Who likes to buy things in the sales? (Emily)

-Who wears only expensive clothes? (Rob)

-Who doesn’t buy expensive clothes?

(Misha, Mark, Emily don’t buy expensive clothes)

2.Беседа по теме:

T: And what do you think about shopping? Give your opinion. Use the words and expressions:

It’s a waste of time.

It’s a lot of fine.

I’d recommend it to anybody.

I’m a shopaholic.

I can shop till I drop.

It’s not really my thing.

It’s my favourite pastime.

It’s cheers me up.

It bores me to death.

3.Презентация: “The most famous shops in the UK”:

T: The Heart of London Shopping is Oxford street. The most famous shops are: “Primark”, “Mars and Spencer”,

“Harrods” and “Hamleys”. What do you know about these  shops?

P1: “Primark” is a cheap brand of clothes shops. They sell cheap and practical things. There are loads of bargains and fantastic offers.

P2: “Marks and Spencer’s” is not just a name, it’s a style. It is a posh shop. The clothes are very expensive there. ”M&S” gift vouches are popular.

4.Диалогическая речь:

T: Тow go to the shops and buy something for you.

 Act out the dialogues.

(Драматизация диалогов: “In the shop”)


(Quiet music)

P: Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Breathe in. Breathe out. Let’s pretend it’s summer. You are lying on a sandy beach. The weather is fine. The birds are signing. You have no troubles. No serious problems. You are quiet. Your brain relaxes. There is calm in your body. You are relaxing. You love your relatives, your school, your friends. They love you too. Now open your eyes. How do you feel?

6.Монологическая речь:

T: I often ask myself, “Why do people pay so much attention to image?” But I have no answer. A lot of teenagers dress in order to be a part of a group. What youth group do you know?

P1: Grungers

P2: Goths

P3: Preppies

P4: Townies

T: I know that a lot of the names for the groups came from the music people listened to: grunge, rock, punk, or pop music, aren’t they? What do you know about these styles or groups?

P1: If you listen to grunge music, you have to follow the grunger style. Grungers have skateboards, and they wear baggy jeans, with baggy, hooded tops, loose T-shirts and silver or black metal jewellery or chains.

P2: If you listen to gothic punk, you are labeled a goth, or someone who liked the darker side of things. Goths wear black clothes, and both girls and boys use black clothes, and both girls and boys use black and white make-up and dye their hair black.

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Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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