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Диктант за 2 полугодие к учебнику Starlight 10 класс


Содержимое разработки

Диктант 10 класс ( к учебнику Starlight 10 Module1)

  1. Recently my wife and I came upon an advertisement in a travel magazine for an international exchange programme.

  2. The tickets and vouchers eventually arrived and I scolded myself for having had such silly thoughts.

  3. Inside the tunnel, there wasn’t much to grab my attention so I busied myself studying the occupants of our carriage.

  4. That journey has given us all a yearning for new experiences and many wonderful memories that we will cherish forever.

  5. Many people say the marathon is the ultimate physical challenge and athletes have to train physically and mentally.

  6. I enjoy taking part in the atmosphere of the marathon and sharing my success story with others.

  7. On average most of the runners take four to five hours to complete the race and water is essential to all of the competitors.

  8. I started lifting weights to build muscle strength and my doctor was thrilled with my progress.

  9. They are one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed bands in the history of popular music.

  10. They released more than 40 different singles and albums and the commercial success was repeated in many others countries.

  11. Consequently, the band stopped touring for reasons ranging from safety concerns to frustration.

  12. Many teenagers emulated the band’s style of dress and haircut, the Beatles became the leading trendsetters in the world of fashion.

  13. I have become fluent in two other languages and have experienced other cultures.

  14. I learned that every person has their own individual talents, and a great team brings these talents together.

  15. The sense of achievement I felt when I scored my first goal stuck with me and my life has revolved around football ever since.

  16. He claims that it’s such a beautiful old machine that just the sound of the engine running puts a smile on his face.

  17. Riding a bike is a really good way to keep fit and it’s also environmentally friendly as it causes no pollution at all.

  18. The pollution caused by traffic congestion in the center is one downside to living there.

  19. She goes to work faster than her friends who commute into London from the suburbs.

  20. Those who do a lot of long haul flying should drink plenty of fluids and rest as much as possible to combat some of the problems caused by frequent air travel.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Интерактивные методы в практике школьного образования

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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